Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well done guys

Dear all,

I'm vey happy with the performance and dedication shown by our Sec 2s. After Nicholas' departure, I am left with not many of you. Yet, you guys have tried your best to follow my training.

Remember this. Success is 1% talent and 99% perspiration. It is never easy to win in a race. The amount of work put in is enormous. Sometimes, we may feel like giving up. But giving up is not the solution. We must press on and work hard.

Towards the end of 4 years, my purpose here is not to groom super athletes. I am here to groom sportspeople who are confident, filled with sportsmanship and have a strong heart. In everything we do, we need to have a strong heart.

Tell yourself, you only have 1 life. Do you want to lead an ordinary life and not test your maximum potential? The answer is no. Try your best and never look back.

Keep training and enjoy your teenage years. I am sure you will.

- Coach

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