Saturday, March 28, 2009

Training conducted today (28th March 2009)

Dear all,

Training conducted today:

Runner's Gym
Speed conditioning.

- Coach

Training schedule till National Track and Field (Starting 30th Mar)

Dear all,

Training schedule starting 30th March:

Monday (30th Mar)
Session 1
Time: 0620hrs
Venue: Meet at General Office

Session 2
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: School (North Vista)

Wednesday (1st Apr)
Session 1
Time: 0620hrs
Meet at General Office

Session 2
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Meet at SRJC Track

Friday (3rd Apr)
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: SRJC Track

Monday (6th Apr)
Session 1 Time: 0620hrs
Venue: Meet at General Office
Session 2 Time: 3.30pm
Venue: SRJC Track

Wednesday (8th Apr)
Session 1 Time: 0620hrs
Meet at General Office
Session 2
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Meet at SRJC Track

Friday (10th Apr)
Time: 8am
Venue: SRJC Track

Monday (13th Apr)
National Schools Track and Field Championship

- Coach

Training conducted today

Dear all,

Training conducted on Friday:

Valley of Death

- Coach

Friday, March 27, 2009

Results for X Country 2009

Dear all,

Well done to all who had attended the race.


C Boys:
Jian Da 18.22min (25th Position)
Bryan Cheng 19.37 (61st Position)
Hafiz 13.38 (191st Position)
Jeremy Lou (241st Position)
Vernon Pang 26.05 (243rd Position)

B Boys:
Nicholas 17.31min (45th Position)
Ryley 19.46 (122nd Position)
Armand 23.25 (264 Position)
Bing Ren 25.56 (315 Position)
Amin 26.19 (317 Position)

C Girls
Mei Qiu 23.30min (106th Position)
Marsyah 24.03min (131th Position)
Fraser 24.04min (132 Position)
Shafika 27.16min (177 Position)

- Coach

Training today (March 27)

Dear all,

Training to be conducted today:

Macritchie Reservoir

- Coach

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Instructions for National Cross Country Competition 2009

Dear all,

Here are some very important instructions for the National Cross Country meet:
***Nicholas please announce for the team to meet you on Monday morning to brief them.

Date: 25th March (Wednesday)
Time: 0645 am sharp
Start warm up: 0715am

Pre Race Instructions:

6 minutes slow jog
6 minutes slow jog again
Striding: 2 times
30minutes before race, report to start point.

Do 2 X stridings

All the best Team NV. For those who had been training with me, you can do it. I want a top 15 placing for Nicholas and a top 10 placing for Jian Da. If you can do 2 rounds of the reservoir, 1 round is nothing.

Remember, I will always have faith in you.

- Coach

Namelist for National Cross Country Competition

Dear all,

B Div
Nicholas, Ryley, Bingren, Justin, Armand, Lee, Amin,

C Div
JianDa, Marsyah, Shafika, Meiqiu, Fraser, Hafiz, Jeremy, Vernon, Bryan Cheng

- Coach

Training Schedule for week starting March 23 2009

Dear all,

Here is the programme for Monday:

Sprinters follow Bryan Ng/Hui Teng/Siti

Warm up: 12 minutes on grass
Striding: 4sets
High Knees(20), Butt Kick(20) - 4 sets
Skip Claw (12) - 4 sets
Skipping **Alternate legs (12) - 4 sets
Single leg hop (2/2/2/2 each leg) - 2 sets
Bounding (single leg - 5/5) - 2 sets
Striding: 2 sets
Rest 8 minutes

Sprint on slope outside school. Start from junction. Till traffic lights (Please ask Bryan if unsure) (90% pace)
Jog back slowly
Start again
Total: 5 times

Rest 2minute 30seconds

Repeat: 5 times

Rest 2 minute 20 seconds

Last one: 100%

Rest 8 minutes
Slow jog (cooling down) - 8 minutes
V-Sit ups - 20
Push ups - 20
Swimming - 50

Total: 4 sets

Squat Jumps: 8
Calf raises: 25 both legs
Total: 4 sets

End of workout

Bryan , Kian How, Lee, Hafiz Omar, Armand, Hui Teng, Asquiha, Huizhen, Bijuan, Fara, Ting Ting, Eberline, Angelo, Jeremy, Vernon, Siti, Runza

Other team members follow Nicholas.

Training conducted on 20th March 2009

Dear all,

Training conducted on 20th March 2009:

Track Speed workout
Fartlek (8minute intervals)

- Coach

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Training venue and times this coming Friday (20th March)

Dear all,

Meet at Bedok Reservoir Car Park at 8am.

- Coach

Training conducted today

Dear all,

Training conducted today:

Girls & selected boys: 4.3km run
Boys: 9.1km run

- Coach

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Training venue and time tomorrow (18th March 2009)

Training venue tomorrow:

Meet at Bedok Reservoir Car Park
Time: 8am

- Coach

Training conducted on 16th March 2009

Dear all,

Training conducted on Monday:

Track training: 120m, 4X100m workout

Macritchie: 500m workout

- Coach

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Training schedule for Holidays

Dear all,

Please take note of the schedule:

Monday 16th Mar
- Macritchie (8am) for Nicholas, Jianda, Brian Cheng, Hafiz,Vernon, Jeremy, and the rest of the sec ones and those not in the list below.

- SRJC track (8am) for 4X100 C girls (Meiqiu, Fraser, Eberline, Marsyah), 4X100 B Boys (Bryan Ng, Kian How, Hafiz Omar, Lee) and Hui Teng

- Coach

Friday, March 13, 2009

Proud of Team NV Speed Demons!

Dear Team NV Speed Demons,

I am so proud of you today. You had done very well!!

I am proud of all of the contestants.
Especially Hui Teng, Bryan Ng and the C Girls 4X100m team!

Well done! We really showed the school what we are good at! Keep it up!

- Coach

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4X100m B Boys

Here is the list of runners for B Boys 4X100m for National Schools:

**There will be some changes after the school sports day

Bryan Ng
Kian How
Hafiz Omar

- Coach

Training today (11th March 2009)

Dear all,

Here is the list of trainees going down to SRJC today:

Bryan Ng
Hafiz Omar
Kian How
Jian Da
Hafiz (Sec1)
All the netball girls selected for 4X100m

These are the students going to Bedok Reservoir:

All the Sec Ones except Jeremy and Eberline
Bing Ren

- Coach

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

4X100m sequence for B girls

Fara: 1st Runner
Askeeah: 2nd Runner
Ting Ting/Huizhen: 3rd Runner
Hui Teng: Last Runner
Reserve: BeeJuan

- Coach

Training schedule for 11th March 2009 (Wed)

Dear all,

Training schedule for 11th March 2009 (Wed):

Involved: All National Schools X -Country Participants
Time: 2.45pm. Meet outside office
Venue: Bedok Reservoir

2nd batch: Sprinters
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: SRJC Track
IC: Bryan Ng/Hui Teng
Warm up 10 mins on grass
Drills (Stridings X4, High knees 20, Butt kick 20, Skip Claw 12, Skipping 12, Single leg hop, Stridings X2)
Rest 6 mins
3 sets 80m with spikes (90% intensity)
Rest = walk back to start point slowly

Practice 4 X 100m. 2 sets.

Cooling down: 8 mins
Strengthening: 40 crunches, 20 push-ups, 25 calf raises (4 sets)

- Coach

Training conducted on 10th March 2009

Dear all,

Training conducted:

Speed Endurance Workout (Rainy Day)
Starting Block Drills

- Coach

Friday, March 6, 2009

Training conducted today (6th Mar 2009)

Dear all,

Training conducted today:

8.6km for boys
3.5km for girls

- Coach

Confirmed list of Athletes for National Schools Track

Dear all,

Here is the list of confirmed athletes:

B Boys:
100m - Bryan Ng
1500m - Nicholas Ong
4X100m - Bryan, Kian How, Lee, Hafiz Omar, Armand, Nicholas

C Boys:
200m-Jian Da, Bryan Cheng

B Girls
100m-Hui Teng
4X100m girls:
Hui Teng
Ting Ting

C Girls
100m- Meiqiu
4X100m girls:

- Coach

Important Training Dates at 3.30pm

Dear all,

Here is a list of important training dates:

9th Mar 2009 - School (3.30pm)
**Sprinters and Distance Runners will attend

11th Mar 2009 - Bedok Reservoir Trial Run - 3.30pm (NYAA Presentation - Sec 3s not involved)
**Sprinters to do own training at SRJC

13th Mar 2009 - School Sports Day (No training except for those not running in finals)

16th Mar 2009 - Macritchie Reservoir (8am)
** Sprinters and Distance Runners to attend

18th Mar 2009 - Bedok Reservoir (8am)
**Sprinters to train at Hougang Stadium

20th Mar 2009 - Bedok Reservoir (8am)
**Sprinters to train at Hougang Stadium

25th Mar 2009 - National Schools Cross Country
**Sprinters to train at Hougang Stadium

1st Apr 2009 - SRJC - 3.30pm
**Sprinters to attend

3rd Apr 2009 - SRJC - 3.30pm
**Sprinters to attend

6th Apr 2009 - SRJC - 3.30pm
**Sprinters to attend

8th April 2009 - SRJC - 3.30pm
**Sprinters to attend

13th Apr 2009 - National Track and Field

- Coach

Training today (6th Mar 2009)

Dear all,

Training today:

Bedok Reservoir Trial Run

- Coach

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Training conducted today (4th March 2009)

Dear all,

Training conducted today:

Speed workout
4X100m training

- Coach

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Change of venue

Dear all,

Tomorrow's training venue will be changed to Serangoon JC at 3.30pm

- Coach

Training conducted on 2nd March 2009

Dear all,

Training conducted today:

Speed Hills

Middle Distance Workout

- Coach