Friday, May 23, 2008

100m Hurdles for Females

The 100 meter sprint hurdles is a track and field discipline for women.

It employs the use of high hurdles (33 inches), which are spaced 8.5 meters apart.

100 m hurdles: 10 hurdles, hurdle height 0.762 m

The first hurdle is placed 13 meters from the starting line while the last hurdle is located 10.5 meters from the finish line.

Like the 110 hurdle event, knocked-over hurdles don't amount to disqualification but they will most likely slow down a runner. Disqualification only occurs when there's a deliberate attempt by a runner to run a hurdle over. They are also begun in blocks, requiring an explosive start with a push of a leg, followed by 7 – 8 strides before the first hurdle.

As of April 2007, the current world record for the 100 meter hurdle event is 12.21 seconds, and it belongs to Yordanka Dorkova from Bulgaria. There is precisely a 1.5 second difference between this record and the time record of the staright-up 100 meter sprint race. A very close second would be Ginka Zagorcheva, also Bulgarian, who had a stunning record time of 12.25 seconds, only 0.04 seconds slower than Dorkova. The first officially recorded record in a 100 meter race using standard hurdles is 15.1 seconds by Connie Peterson of U.S.A.

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