Saturday, February 2, 2008

Time Trial Conducted on 2nd Feb 2008

Dear all,

A time trial was conducted at Macritchie Reservoir. Here are the results:

Hafiz: 14min 58s
Nicholas: 15min 02s
Ryley: 15min 36s
Jiaqi: 18min 12s
Bing Ren: Unrecorded
Weizhuang: Unrecorded
Moh Tai: DNS

Well done guys. Although this was around 3.6-3.8km, it was still a good timing. Keep it up.

- Coach

- Coach

1 comment:

nicholas said...

THANKS COACH!it is because of u that we had produced better results.the team will work harder to produce even better results!ONE TEAM ONE RACE!